Case Studies

Take a peek behind the scenes at the inner workings of Oakland as we talk through some of our landmark projects. From data strategy and governance to platform engineering, data analytics and artificial intelligence, you can find out how we have helped people with their data across various industries.

Network Rail: Revolutionising knowledge management through Generative AI

Network Rail: Revolutionising knowledge management through Generative AI

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Creating a data platform for a major UK media organisation

Creating a data platform for a major UK media organisation

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Evolving the next generation of analytics capabilities with Parcel2Go

Evolving the next generation of analytics capabilities with Parcel2Go

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Business intelligence reporting and intelligent forecasting for Network Rail

Business intelligence reporting and intelligent forecasting for Network Rail

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Executing a Data Strategy for Yorkshire Water

Executing a Data Strategy for Yorkshire Water

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Case Study A UK Public Service Broadcaster

A UK Public Service Broadcaster

Siloed Data Typically in these situations, an organisation might build a centralised data store in the form of a data warehouse, data lake, or core data analytics platform. But these solutions can soon morph into silos – largely driven by the data capabilities being built and having lost sight of the true challenge of what…

Case Study Designing a Data Strategy and Roadmap for RAW Charging

Designing a Data Strategy and Roadmap for RAW Charging

RAW Charging is perfectly positioned within the fast-growing market of vehicle charging solutions for the hospitality, retail and leisure sectors. Investors also recognised these are exciting times for RAW with their high-growth ambitions. Antin Infrastructure Partners came on board through a successful capital fundraise that will support a £250 million electric vehicle (“EV”) installation plan…

Case Study Helping to drive the next stage of growth for Elvie

Helping to drive the next stage of growth for Elvie

“We just thought that Oakland’s presentation was one of the most organised. We liked the comprehensive plans that we saw.” The Goal Elvie asked for Oakland’s help to build a data analytics platform that would extract, store, and prepare data for reporting and insights. Historically, Elvie had struggled to report on various KPIs across the…

Case Study Building a next-generation Investment Gateway web application for Network Rail

Building a next-generation Investment Gateway web application for Network Rail

The Investment Authority Process At the core of Network Rail’s main operation is the Investment Authority process, which ensures consistency, adherence to regulations, and careful financial management of its railway projects. The process involves project sponsors submitting detailed programme/project information in an Investment Paper that covers financial viability, scheduling, risk assessment, and project volumes. The…

Case Study A Global Telco

A Global Telco

The mission: data excellence Like many organisations, the financial data of this Global Telco is extensive and complex, serving numerous business functions before flowing into an Enterprise Data Warehouse and Data Mart architecture. The data is then available for business intelligence and deeper analysis, creating a timely and accurate view of financial performance for tactical…

Case Study Income Analytics

Income Analytics

What was the purpose of the application? Income Analytics knew that if the commercial real estate sector could gain access to standardised market data and income risk reporting, the industry would be better served, more transparent and attract more investment. Although the sector frequently used credit scores and ratings, the problem was it did not…

Case Study Acuity Robotics

Acuity Robotics

The Outcome

Case Study CHC


Working closely with the BI team, we defined and piloted an initial set of KPIs linking operational performance with financial impact. As a proof of concept of what was possible, this provided the vehicle to refine the metrics and trial the supporting meeting and governance structures. This was essential in driving management decisions and real…

Case Study Hiab


A value chain assessment was also completed looking at the maturity of Hiab’s quality processes. This formed the basis for the evolution of a new quality function. The next phase of improvement built on the momentum of the first, evolving the ‘firewall’ into a permanent quality plan for assembly. The quality plan concept was then…

Case Study Network Rail CDO

Network Rail CDO

We also developed a community of advocates, which helped bring together the loose team already in place. These advocates were then better able to exploit the considerable technical expertise of the existing team and their knowledge of Network Rail. We then developed the governance structures required for the future with a focus on how these…

Case Study UK Power Networks

UK Power Networks

UK Power Networks (UKPN) had the ambition to become a truly data-centric utility where data was treated as an essential business asset. While many in the business acknowledged the importance of data, there was no consistent view of how to create a true data culture.

Case Study Yorkshire Water Bio-Waste Modelling

Yorkshire Water Bio-Waste Modelling

The Outcome