Oakland Group

Need help with Data Governance?

Our experienced team of Data Governance consultants can tackle the most formidable Data Governance challenges.

Discover more in our guide to building a data governance strategy.

What’s our approach to Data Governance (and why is it different)?

Regarding helping you get ahead with Data Governance, we like to do things a little differently.

With over 35 years in the data industry, we’ve had plenty of time to identify the patterns of success and failure with large and complex data initiatives, particularly Data Governance.

On paper, Data Governance can appear reasonably straightforward. 

There is no shortage of advice on the frameworks, committees, catalogues, glossaries, lineage, stewardship, tools, and policies considered the ‘must-have’ elements for Data Governance success.

But herein lies a problem. 

Whilst it’s tempting to roll all of these components into your ‘grand plan’ for Data Governance, we discovered that applying a stealth strategy is the most effective approach for achieving your Data Governance goals.

Because we’re a consultancy, of course, we had to give our ‘Data Governance by Stealth’ approach a catchy name.

We call it ‘The Lighthouse Concept‘.

Limit the early investment

Plan a modest level of investment, resisting the urge to build an ‘all-encompassing’ Data Governance program

Focus on value creation

Deliver a series of tactical ‘Lighthouse Projects’ that create tangible value for the business

Fly under the radar

Gradually establish your Data Governance program and enabling activity in ‘stealth mode’

Lock in the gains

Create the foundational cornerstones for Data Governance as each Lighthouse Project is delivered

Shining a Light for Executives to Follow

The Lighthouse Concept came from the realisation that senior stakeholders are increasingly wary of investing in new and ambitious data initiatives. 

(Let’s be honest, adding the term ‘governance’ doesn’t help much either).

While the average executive is unlikely to rave about the inner workings of a Data Governance program, what does motivate them is positive business outcomes. They want obstacles removed and goals reached.

However, this demand for results presents a problem.

Building things like data governance frameworks, glossaries, and stewardship councils requires considerable change and commitment. Hence, the traditional approach to Data Governance takes time to deliver on its promise, assuming it ever gets off the runway in the first place.

At Oakland, we prefer to kickstart Data Governance as a side-benefit of agile, results-focused data initiatives that address obstacles and objectives executives are already invested in.

Our results-first approach creates the less riskier (and faster) option for achieving your Data Governance goals.

Creating Data Governance success, one Lighthouse Project at a time.

Using the Lighthouse Concept we’ll help you embed the Data Governance processes, tools and techniques required of a capable Data Governance function, but without the hurdles and risks associated with a ‘Big Bang’ program.

We’ll help you shine a light on a path of Data Governance achievement, one win at a time, so that you consistently build the commitment and capability you need for business-wide Data Governance success.

To learn more about how we can help you launch or accelerate a Data Governance initiative, simply arrange a call with one of our principal Data Governance consultants.

For practical advice on how to implement your own data governance program by stealth, using the ‘Data Governance Lighthouse Concept, download our 24-page guide.

Oakland ‘Lighthouse’ concept presents a compelling approach for incrementally executing on the Data Governance mission, without the inherent risks so often found within a large program of Data Governance change.

Dylan Jones, Editor of Data Quality Pro magazine

Download our guide

Deliver rapid value to your data governance program. Download our 24-page guide and find out how to improve your business performance, make smarter decisions, and reduce risk.

For more information on how we can help you with your data strategy and governance, please call us on 0113 234 1944 or email hello@weareoakland.com.


Want to know more?

Oakland are proud to have been removing obstacles in business for over 35 years. Find out how we can help you better understand and protect your data. Contact our dedicated team today.

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