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Post The Evolution of Project Analytics

The Evolution of Project Analytics

Welcome to the first in a five-part series examining the fast-changing world of Project Analytics and its vital role in the major projects sector. This first article explores how the major projects sector is responding to a need for more intelligent project analytics. We explore how recent advances are beginning to dramatically improve the decision-making…

Post How to build a Data Governance Program by Stealth: Introducing the Lighthouse Projects Concept

How to build a Data Governance Program by Stealth: Introducing the Lighthouse Projects Concept

Chances are, you’re reading this article because you’ve been asked to launch, or support, some form of data governance initiative. Firstly, congratulations. You’re embarking on a worthy endeavour.  Here at Oakland, our Data Governance Team have trodden a similar path as we guided our clients across multiple data governance implementations. The results have been profoundly…

Post What is a Digital Twin? Definition and examples of next-level performance improvement

What is a Digital Twin? Definition and examples of next-level performance improvement

This article introduces the digital twin concept and its application to operations management through the lens of real-life examples. From operations management to customer experience and beyond, digital twins are transforming the way our clients are delivering products and services. The missing link between performance and data There are several questions clients routinely ask me. Some…

Post 2020’s closing cloud releases – what’s new for tech consumers in 2021?

2020’s closing cloud releases – what’s new for tech consumers in 2021?

Technology is not an entity that stands still, this is evident from the myriad of new releases, both small and large, that can be seen from companies like AWS and Azure, who continuously push the capabilities of what they can offer. However, this constant barrage of incremental gains can seem overwhelming and often will not…

Post When Data Geeks and OPEX collide

When Data Geeks and OPEX collide

It is just me, or are the years speeding up? It only seems like 5 minutes ago, we were attending the IQPC OPEX Exchange 2019 ( and before you know it, a year has passed, and we’re onto the next event. This year has been like riding an out of control rollercoaster. The OPEX community…

Post AI to assist projects has been around for decades – why aren’t we using it?

AI to assist projects has been around for decades – why aren’t we using it?

I recently read a fascinating article entitled ‘Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Support Project Management’. It discusses AI-assisted decision-making on projects, knowledge-based interactive graphics and hybrid computer-human systems. It sits well with the large number of articles and reports that both APM and IPMA have been sponsoring recently, and with the launch of the Project Data…

Post Intelligent Forecasting Using Databricks

Intelligent Forecasting Using Databricks

Anyone who’s ever been involved with project management will understand how quickly a project can turn into a web of information, with data on schedules, finances, locations, assets and resources (to name a few) all rapidly expanding. Further complexity can arise from the dependencies between these projects – a single project may impact the delivery…

Post Be kind to others, by first being kind to yourself…

Be kind to others, by first being kind to yourself…

As World Kindness Day gets under way, statistics show that one in every four adults will experience at least one mental health problem per year, and in this fast-paced, ever-changing world, how often do we take time out to nurture and care for ourselves? When was the last time you stood still to savour the…

Post What’s changed at the Chief Data Officer Exchange?

What’s changed at the Chief Data Officer Exchange?

We always look forward to the IQPC CDO Exchange. It usually means a couple of nights away from the kids, a few drinks in the bar, and, more importantly, getting the inside track on what is keeping CDO’s awake at night. This year’s event was somewhat different, conducted virtually but working just as well. It…

Post Improving outcomes of complex projects using advanced analytics.

Improving outcomes of complex projects using advanced analytics.

A data expert, an academic, a project manager and a lawyer combined on 17 September to discuss how individuals and organisations working on complex construction projects might exploit more data-driven approaches. Recurring themes included taking a whole-life approach, and the need for organisations to nurture data as something that delivered long-term strategic value. Entrenched industry…

Post Big Data and 30 Years of Total Quality Management

Big Data and 30 Years of Total Quality Management

The notion of ‘Quality’ in business performance has exploded since I wrote the first edition of ‘Total Quality Management’ in 1989. That book was the first in the world carrying that title and it presented one of the early ‘models’ of TQM. This was a simple triangle of ‘systems,’ ‘tools’ and ‘teams,’ surrounding a core…

Post Applying digital twin thinking to programme management

Applying digital twin thinking to programme management

Digital Twins – A longer history than you may imagine. The notion of digital twins is nearly 20 years old. American academic Michael Grieves coined the term at the University of Michigan in 2002 when he was considering product lifecycle management. He proposed that a digital model of a physical system (for example, a car)…