
The Oakland Group at PyCon!

The Oakland team are super excited to be heading to Cardiff this September to attend this year’s PyCon, the annual celebration of everything Python (the swiss army knife of programming). Here at the Oakland Group we’re super passionate about technical excellence and we’re continually learning, always looking to push the boundaries of what is achievable. PyCon gives us the perfect opportunity to learn new stuff and hang out with like-minded people.

PyCon started in the USA in 2003 with over just 200 attendees and has spread all over the world so whether you’re just starting out with Python, PyCon gives you a flavour of the many different technologies so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time. If you’re an experienced data scientist then it keeps you up to date with the latest developments so you can apply these to your real-world data projects.

See you in Cardiff!

