
Total Construction Management

Lean Quality in Construction Project Delivery

The coming together of lean management and quality management thinking has taken place in organizations across many industries, including construction. Practices in procurement, design management and construction management are all evolving constantly. Managers need to understand these changes and how to react to them if they want to be successful. This book provides valuable insights for owners, designers and constructors in the construction sector.

The reader is initially introduced to the language of total quality, lean and operational excellence. Next, they are taken right up to the latest industry practice in this sector.  Importantly, the book demonstrates the best way to manage change. John Oakland and his co-author Marton Marosszeky are two of the world’s leading experts in this subject. Total Construction Management: Lean quality in construction project delivery offers a clearly structured introduction to the most important management concepts and practices used in the global construction industry today.

This authoritative book covers issues such as procurement, BIM, all forms of waste, construction safety, and design and construction management, all explained with international case studies. It is a perfect guide for managers in all parts of the industry. Equally, it is ideal for those preparing to enter the industry.

Case studies and reviews

The book is full of really useful case studies that should help the construction practitioner apply the learning in their own organisation. Some of the UK-based case studies include the largest high-profile projects we have seen in many decades. These include the Crossrail project in London, the development of Heathrow airport and the work of Highways England in managing our motorways.

The case studies carry through the transport theme to two of the book reviews. Ian Mitchell, Quality Director at Network Rail in the UK and Carlos Vazquez Travieso, Head of Quality at Transport for London have provided expert feedback. Thanks to Ian and Carlos for their kind comments.