
Oakland’s Mike Turner and Hiab’s Tobias Bunne set to speak at BQF Leadership Conference

Do you want to be an effective leader? Join us on Thursday 28th March at the BQF Leadership Conference where Mike Turner will be speaking with Hiab’s Tobias Bunne. We’ll be covering the key aspects of quality leadership and who better to give their insight than the winner of the Quality Organisation of the Year 2018.

Develop the skills required to be an effective leader in an increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world. Learn how to navigate the business landscapes in this digital era, whilst ensuring your leadership style remains engaging and authentic.

This event is a leadership conference organised by BQF and hosted by GSK at their global headquarters. A host of thought provoking key note speakers will cover the key aspects of leadership and breakout session facilitators will provide you with practical tools and techniques to implement within your own organisations.

The focus of this conference is on developing and enhancing the skills required to be an effective leader in an increasingly VUCA world. Learn how to navigate the business landscapes in this digital era, while ensuring your leadership style remains engaging and authentic.

Key note Speakers:

Scott McArthur, Co-Founder & Professional Speaker, Sculpture Consulting

David MacLeod, OBE, Engaging Leadership

June Thomson, European Leader for Healthcare and Life Sciences Industry, IBM

Mike Turner and and Tobias Bunne, Quality Leadership

Michael Maynard, Dramatically Transform Performance

Guest speaker:

Karen Leftley: Achieving Brilliant Change