
The Ultimate Business Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Instead of asking ‘are we ready for AI?’, we challenge you to ask: is your AI ready for you?

This guide will help you to understand how Generative AI can help your productivity, drive growth, and put your customers at the heart of your business.

The AI Challenge

How much influence is AI having on the ‘make or break’ moments at your company? For many, the answer is still ‘not much’. But why miss out on the enormous commercial opportunity and risk being left behind by your competitors?

Gartner estimates that a staggering 90% of enterprise data is unstructured, locked away in formats like free text, audio files, or images. Until recently, tapping into this goldmine of unstructured data seemed daunting due to barriers of cost and effort.

But thanks to recent advances in AI, the game has changed. Imagine the transformative insights waiting to be unearthed once you unlock the potential of your unstructured data.

To truly harness the power of AI, you need solutions that go beyond the surface. One-size-fits-all tools or hastily assembled models simply won’t cut it in complex business environments. And let’s face it, waiting five years for a mega transformation isn’t an option.

Oakland has successfully planned, delivered, and implemented data projects for over 35 years for some of the most complex data landscapes in the UK. We know how to make change stick.

This guide shares our Intelligent Agent Framework – the quickest way to get your Data Talking.

What is included in the guide?

Part 1: What is AI (and why all the headlines)?

Part 2: We hear the hype, but what can it deliver?

Part 3: The AI opportunity

Part 4: The proof of concept trap

Part 5: AI solutions that stick

Part 6: Our intelligent agent solutions

Part 7: Why do we recommend the ‘intelligent agent’ approach?

Part 8: The possibilities are endless

Part 9: Client Stories

Part 10: Take the next step with our AI Discovery Workshop

Success Lies in Adopting the Right Mindset.

At Oakland, we believe in building AI solutions tailored to your business needs, ones that thrive amidst complexity. Instead of asking ‘are we ready for AI?’, we challenge you to ask: is your AI ready for you?

With our innovative intelligent agent framework, we craft ‘process native’ AI-powered solutions that embrace complexity and seamlessly integrate into your frontline business processes. Our intelligent agents empower you to deploy robust AI capabilities at the core of your business, ensuring solutions that endure.

Practical, hands-on, and grounded in a passion for data-driven transformation, our solutions have delivered radical results for some of the UK’s leading enterprise businesses.

Download our guide on Generative AI today and discover the untapped potential within your enterprise. Gain greater clarity and curiosity about what AI could do for your business, along with practical advice to kickstart your journey.

From the first conversation with Oakland, they completely understood the problems we were facing and very, very quickly talked about the solutions. Oakland has been an absolute joy to work with. Not only are they fun and energetic, but they delivered a solution that will future-proof our business for many years to come.

David Green, Head of Innovation, Blenheim

Download THE Ultimate Guide to Generative AI for Business

Ready to explore the art of the possible? We’re just a discovery call away.

For more information on how we can help you with your AI project, or to book an AI Discovery Workshop, please call 0113 234 1944 or email hello@weareoakland.com


Want to know more?

Don’t let your data overwhelm you – let us help you harness its power and unleash its potential.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your data strategy, governance, engineering, visualisation, analytics, and AI needs.

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