
News from the CDO Exchange

So another year down. Another CDO Exchange attended. It was another great event hosted by IPQC, and as usual, most of it went without a hitch (apart from the accidental coffee spill over our table!). Many people we met have an increased level of ‘data maturity’ compared to only a year ago. It seems that the substantial, investments in some of the technology are now in place, and businesses are looking at how they can really exploit the power of their data and how can their data analytics provide real value?

We have always remained focused on helping businesses move beyond the ‘silver bullet. Our data strategy programme is helping businesses achieve tangible benefit and real value through their data and analytics. This year more than before, this was a constant topic of conversation. Tools alone are not enough. The right mix of tech, a clear understanding of your processes and people who can leverage both will get you far. But stalling tech investments in the next ‘data lake’ or automated AI seem to be just as common as the compelling case study that people love to talk about.

That said, whilst many of the people we met weren’t actually CDO’s, the role or responsibilities of the role is growing in importance and awareness. The inimitable ‘data duo’ of Peter Jackson and Caroline Carruthers illustrated the point well when discussing where the role sits, and how still it can be the forgotten member round the board table – but is no less important! How (and whether) the CDO elevates fully onto the board was long debated into the evening.

Overall, we still believe the tech solutions are only part of the puzzle…but it has always been that way – the technology needs to be supported by the right process improvement and a very clear understanding of the problems you’re trying to solve.

We continue to believe that great use of data comes from getting that combination bang on….and that’s not always easy!

We’ve returned to the Oakland hub to focus on exactly that – helping our clients get more from their data and technology investments.
AND to get ready for our own ‘Think Data’ event in June….watch this space for more info!

Thanks to IQPC for arranging and looking after us: https://www.iqpc.com/events-chief-data-officer-exchange